How to Make ChatGPT Your Default Search in Chrome

Believe it or not, AI tools are now everywhere. Some of us like it, whereas others do not. If you’re a frequent ChatGPT user, you may want to set ChatGPT as a default search engine on Google Chrome.

In 2025, ChatGPT will be much better at searching the web. It will give you fast, timely answers with links to relevant web sources.

So, if you use it frequently, why not set it as a default search engine on Chrome? Here’s how you can set ChatGPT as a default search engine in the Chrome browser.

Make ChatGPT Your Default Search in Chrome

To make ChatGPT your default search in Chrome browser, you will have to use the ChatGPT search Chrome extension. Here’s what you need to do.

1. Open the Google Chrome browser on your computer/laptop.

2. When the browser opens, click the three dots at the top right corner and select Extensions > Visit Chrome Web Store.

3. Search ChatGPT search on the extension store and press Enter.

ChatGPT search

4. On the ChatGPT search extension page, click Add to Chrome.

Add to Chrome

5. You will now see a confirmation prompt.

confirmation prompt

How to use ChatGPT Search in Google Chrome?

Now that you have added the ChatGPT search extension in the Chrome browser, it’s time to know how to use it. Here’s how to use the Extension.

1. Restart the web browser after installing the ChatGPT search extension.

2. Once done, enter a search query in the address bar in Chrome.

enter a search query

3. ChatGPT will answer your questions by default once you press Enter.

ChatGPT will answer your questions

If you don’t like the ChatGPT answers, you can get rid of it by removing the ChatGPT search extension you’ve installed.

This guide explains how to make ChatGPT your default search in the Google Chrome browser. Let us know if you need more help on this topic in the comments. Also, if you find this guide helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends.

The post How to Make ChatGPT Your Default Search in Chrome appeared first on TechViral.

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