How to Lose Belly Fat in 7-10 days for Woman at Home

 How to Lose Belly Fat in 7-10 days for Woman at Home

How to Lose Belly Fat in 7-10 days for Woman at Home

How can girls lose their extra weight??? This is a universal problem.

How to Lose Belly Fat in 7-10 days for Woman at Home? Because we all know that with increasing age the weight of girls increases as compared to boys and body size is lost quickly.


There are many reasons for that. We have to first identify the major factors.

Then we will know that how women of our country or any part of the world can reduce their weight very fast??

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Let us first know about those reasons. Due to which the weight of girls of our country or different countries increases rapidly.


How to Lose Belly Fat in 7-10 days for Woman at Home

number one

The reason is that girls work less than boys.

But I am not looking down on the work of girls. I mean girls work at home but they don't work less, they work more than boys.

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But the way they work is a little different ie. When they work they work idly. For example, they sit and work while cooking. How to Lose Belly Fat in 7-10 days for Woman at Home

second number

The reason is that girls have children.

laziness of young girls

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Little girls do not exercise properly because of laziness.

They leave the beauty of their body entirely to nature. And nature controls their body.

How to Lose Belly Fat in 7-10 days for Woman

So, when girls do not exercise, body weight of girls increases in our country or all countries.

number three

that's the weather

Weather also plays a big role in our body weight gain. People from country with hot weather may suffer less so that the energy of the body is not wasted.

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And in the summer season, cold drinks, ice cream and cold things are consumed more, which is responsible for increasing body weight.

number four

This issue is an environmental issue

Many people are unable to take care of their bodies from an environmental point of view, ie. From the evil eye of the society i.e. in rural areas, if there is talk of a little exercise or exercise, then the educated society does not support it in any way.

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Due to which the girls of our country are forced to swim in the stream of Gaddalika. Due to which they start looking like older women at an early age. Weight increases unexpectedly.

number five

this is pregnancy problem

Which is more during married women. That's why most of the women in our country spend their day lying very lazy during pregnancy, due to which a lot of weight and fat increases during pregnancy.

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Even after having children, reducing this fat becomes more difficult. The girls of our country have gained so much weight during pregnancy that even after having a child, they do not have the courage to reduce this weight.

let's find out now

Weight loss tips for girls:

What can be the solution to our above problems?

number one

The problem I told you about is that girls work less hard than boys. Working girls are also involved in the solution of this problem, that is, all types of girls have to do more or less cooking.

how to lose weight in 7 days for girls

If the girls of our country do not sit for cooking but walk, then the girls of our country are very likely to lose the extra weight.

second number

that is the problem

In our country, women leave their body care to nature in some way or the other. They think it is natural as nature will do but this idea of ​​women in our country is totally wrong. Conscious women will see this. The women who are in the media country.

how to lose weight in 7 days for girls

That is, various educated women do not take care of their body in such a way that even after turning 40, they look very thin, ie. Like below 18. That's why the women of our country should exercise. It's not like you have to go to the gym.

How to Lose Belly Fat in 7-10 days for Woman at Home

This should also be done from inside the house. So that the extra weight can be reduced.

number three

The problem I talked about is that women in our country are controlled by the weather.

That is, people of a country with hot weather may suffer less damage. Because if they suffer even a little, they are broken, so they cannot suffer much. And cold drinks, ice cream and cold things are eaten a lot. This does not waste the energy of the body.

how to lose weight in 7 days for girls

But people from cold core country can't suffer for long, which leads to more energy and waste of their body. Fat can be lost for which they can reduce their extra body weight.

number four

how to lose weight in 7 days for girls

The problem I have mentioned is the attitude of the society.

The attention of the girls of our country is more on what they will say later, that is, they do not care about their body, what they will say later and without thinking about their own well-being. Due to which the girls of our country look like old people in a very short time.

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That's why the girls of our country should do regular exercise. And take care of your diet.

number five

this is pregnancy problem

In the villages of our country, girls do not take care of their bodies out of fear that what will the people of the village or society think if they take care of their bodies.

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That is, they like to swim in the Gadalika stream. They feel comfortable taking care of their bodies like the previous generations.

But our advice in this matter is that the beauty of your own body is yours. Since you will enjoy your own beauty, you should take care of your body regardless of others, take care of your body and do regular physical exercise along with a balanced diet. How to Lose Belly Fat in 7-10 days for Woman at Home


weight loss tips for girls

After that I said that it is a pregnancy problem, that is, when the girls of our country are pregnant, they spend so much free time in a lazy way that their weight increases abnormally.

Their weight increases so much that they do not have the courage to lose weight after having a child. This extra weight later causes them to become tan. They attack various diseases as well as look much older than their age. How to Lose Belly Fat in 7-10 days for Woman at Home

weight loss tips for girls

So my advice to my friends is to work hard during pregnancy. If you work hard, then your physical condition will be good, as well as the physical and mental development of the child growing inside you will also happen.

weight loss tips for girls

So guys, I have elaborated on how to solve all the problems I have mentioned above. If you follow these methods, you can easily lose your extra weight and stay healthy.

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