What is The Most Important Food for Children And Why?

 What is The Most Important Food for Children And Why?

What is The Most Important Food for Children And Why?

It is essential to have nutritious and balanced food in a child's diet. Growing children need a more nutritious diet than adults. As children grow, they need nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals, which help in intellectual development. What is The Most Important Food for Children And Why?

Nowadays, children are more inclined towards fast food, so it is more necessary to keep nutritious food in children's diets. Many times mothers don't understand what kind of food to put in their baby's diet. Today's feature is for them.

What is The Most Important Food for Children And Why?

 1. the milk

Milk is an essential ingredient for baby growth. Calcium and phosphorus are two important minerals in milk that help strengthen teeth, bones and nails. It also contains vitamin D, protein, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B12, niacin and vitamin B6. Give full cream milk to children up to two years. If you don't like to drink milk, give your baby milk through pudding, custard etc.

2. the egg

Eggs are another essential ingredient for a growing baby. Vitamin B in eggs helps to develop the baby's brain. Eggs contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, folate, zinc, iron and selenium to help the baby grow. What is The Most Important Food for Children And Why?

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the vegetables that contains calcium and other elements. It contains fiber, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, magnesium, zinc and folic acid. Include broccoli with daily vegetables.

What is The Most Important Food for Children?

4. sour cream

Curd is an essential ingredient for a growing baby. It contains calcium, protein, carbohydrates, B vitamins, zinc and phosphorus. Apart from strengthening bones, teeth, tadka also helps to give strength to the baby.

5. sweet potato

Beta-carotene and other carotenoids in sweet potatoes improve vision in children. Sweet potatoes can be boiled, cooked or chips can be fed to the baby in any way.

6. Oats

Many people think that oats are food for adults, children cannot eat them. But breakfast keeps the baby full for a long time. Studies have shown that children who eat oats for breakfast are more likely to stay focused in school.  

7. the cheese

Cheese is one of the healthiest foods. A growing child can eat cheese regularly. It contains calcium, protein, vitamin B12, phosphorus etc. However, eating too much cheese or cheese-like foods should be avoided. What is The Most Important Food for Children And Why?

8. the fish

Children do not like to eat fish. But keep fish in the children's diet at least two days a week. All nutrients are found in fish. Especially sea fish should be included in the diet. Its omega three fatty acids will help baby's brain development.

9. Beans

Beans are a nutritious food for babies. Its antioxidants, protein, calcium, fiber, iron and B vitamins help maintain baby weight.

Include these foods in your growing baby's diet along with other foods. These foods will fulfill the needs of the child and keep the child healthy.

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